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HP i3
FAST STRIP - ENERGIZED STRIPPER To strip floors coated with acrylic sealers and finishes. Formulated to quickly remove finishes with minimum effort & mechanical aid.   DIRECTIONS: Dilute 1 part concentrate to 4 parts of hot water. Depending on the condition of the floor, discretion of the user is necessary. Product can be diluted 1 part to 6 parts water. To ensure full coverage apply liberally with a mop. Let sit for approximately 5-10 minutes until finish has been softened & is loose. Do not allow to dry. Remove with mop using agitated motion. More then one application may be necessary depending on the condition of floor. Rinse with cold water.

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Sprakita: Fast Strip Energized Stripper 4 x 4L Bottles

  • Product Code: fs4x4

FAST STRIP - ENERGIZED STRIPPER To strip floors coated with acrylic sealers and finishes. Formulated to quickly remove finishes with minimum effort & mechanical aid.   DIRECTIONS: Dilute 1 part concentrate to 4 parts of hot water. Depending on the condition of the floor, discretion of the user is necessary. Product can be diluted 1 part to 6 parts water. To ensure full coverage apply liberally with a mop. Let sit for approximately 5-10 minutes until finish has been softened & is loose. Do not allow to dry. Remove with mop using agitated motion. More then one application may be necessary depending on the condition of floor. Rinse with cold water.


  • 3 or more CA$48.95
  • 6 or more CA$47.95
  • 10 or more CA$46.95
  • 3 or more CA$48.95
  • 6 or more CA$47.95
  • 10 or more CA$46.95
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Welcome to On-Site Cleaning Supplies! We are a Pickering, Ontario based company that specializes in cleaning supplies, janitorial supplies, paper products, packaging supplies, restaurant supplies and safety products.

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  • 1111 Finch Avenue West, Unit 36, North York , Ontario M3J 2E5 Canada
  • Weekdays 8-4 weekends closed
  • Call us: 1 (844) 3ON-SITE

on-site cleaning supplies - we sell quality brands for less
